High School

BIGhouse (Cedar Falls & Waverly) & Friends First (Grundy County) are our Wednesday night ministries for high school students!!

Cedar Falls: Meets Wednesdays from 7:00 - 9:00 PM || More Info
Grundy County: Meets Wednesdays from 7:15 - 8:45 PM || More Info
Waverly: Meets Wednesdays from 7:00 - 8:30 PM || More Info

Opportunities to serve include:

  • Small Group Leader (6-10 students)
  • Popping Popcorn (CF Only)
  • Bringing treats (GC Only),
  • Bringing a meal (Waverly Only),
  • Production (Audio/Slides),
  • Participating in Large Events (GC Only)

Fill out the form below at the High School Staff will reach out to you soon!

Opportunity Details:

Preference Area: Student Ministries

Connect with this Serving Opportunity

To connect with this team or find out more information about serving with this team, click Connect. A request will be directed to the Campus point person, and they will follow up with you.
