As part of the community-wide Day of Caring sponsored by the Waverly-Shell Rock United Way, the OHC Waverly Campus hosted a group of volunteers to roll and bundle towel sets for the upcoming Holiday Shoppe. Five ladies from TruStage (formerly Cuna Mutual) had signed up to help. (They couldn't believe there could be a church in the Willow Lawn Mall space!) They had a great time matching and tying up exactly 500 towel sets to give to every kid at Holiday Shoppe. They even called their managers and stayed 4 hours to finish the job that was set up for a 2 hour time slot. One of my favorite quotes overheard was "I'm sure glad I signed up to help so I could meet the people I work with!" Also, "I thought I recognized your voice! Now I know who I'm talking to on the phone." Since most of the TruStage workforce has worked from home since the pandemic, they don't meet or see each other in person very often. Not only were the ladies serving the community, they were developing and belonging in community together! I told them to Shine On!