Each fall, Mike O'Connor leads a Youth Pheasant Hunt and includes a few special traditions! This year 9 youth spent the morning together belonging in community while pheasant hunting. Mike shared, "The kids that aged out this year, they were all involved with this hunt from the time they were 10 years old. So I’d say giving them a tradition they clearly they enjoy and meant something to them that they’re doing with their dad every year in the case of these three boys, is pretty special and evidence of God at work. When the kids age out at 15 it’s become a tradition to give each of them a no trespassing sign for their room at home." From left to right the kids pictured are Wil Pauli, Bryce Bass and Kai Eberhart.
Mike also honors his dad through the event by presenting the winning group a trophy. "The trophy is actually a bottle of Avon cologne from the 70s. That was my dad‘s that I got when he passed away several years ago. We refer to it as the Avon Pheasant."
Thanks, Mike for caring for our youth in this way each fall! Shine On!