CHAOS Registration 2024-2025

Posted on 8/6/2024 1:47:00 PM

Hi Everyone! 

As summer comes closer to the end and the regular programming of school and activities approach us, we want to make sure you are thinking about CHAOS as well! 

We officially have our registration open HERE. It is for all incoming 7th, 8th, and 9th graders. We ask that even if you registered last year that you do for this year. 

I am hoping to help this blog connect you more to what is happening at CHAOS through out this school year. Communication to help partner with you. As a parent you are doing so much and teenagers are in this wonderful time of change, getting more independence, and learning how to navigate relationships! We love leading them, but we also want to partner with you as well! Keep a look out for our blog every 3 weeks to help share information and keep you in the loop. 

Here are some upcoming dates to mark on calendars for this fall. 

  • Wednesday, August 21st - CHAOS 101 - All 7th grade students and parents come and check out what CHAOS is all about. 7:00 PM - 8:00 PM at Naz (come in door 6)
  • Wednesday, August 28th - NO CHAOS
  • Wednesday, September 4th - CHAOS Kick Off - All students come and wear white for our colored powder games ***NOTE TIME 6:30 PM- 8:00 PM at Naz (Door 6)
  • Wednesday, September 11th - CHAOS Resumes - Doors open at 6:40 pm - Check in with ipads - Regular time is 7:00 PM - 8:30 PM

What can you pray for this year? 

- Pray for our students and leaders as they form relationships to help create space for Jesus to transform the lives of Jr High students. 

How can you help? 

- We are looking for parents willing to hang out at NAZ when you drop your kid off. Hang out from 6:40 pm - 7:10 PM... We need help checking in students, being a big welcome to incoming students, and making sure students know where they can do. It is only 20 - 30 minutes of your time to help. This helps our leaders connect with kids, and directors help kick off the beginning of the night. 

- We are looking for small group leaders! If you or someone you know wants to help lead a group of students, please reply to this post. I would love to connect with you and share more information of what that looks like, and what kind of commitment can work with you and CHAOS. 

****Note we have canceled out August 7th hang out for the summer!


We love to hear from you! Feel free to directly respond to this blog if you have questions or encouraging stories to share!



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CHAOS Registration 2024-2025

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