We all have heard that speech... In all that you do, finish well... Leave it all on the floor/court/field... It's hard to think the CHAOS is like a sport or a motivational speech, but it is in a way. We want to finish this time together so well that the 9th graders are ready for BIGhouse, the 8th graders become the new leaders, and 7th graders take a step in leading the new incoming 7th graders.. I think of summer less of a break and more of a time to be intentional of building relationships in a way that we are ready for the next school year... So, here is the tentative summer schedule for CHAOS this summer. We have students texting our CHAOS number to keep updated on events :)
We are so proud to say that as a group at CHAOS we raised our $456 to help support a jr high student in Mozambique or Haiti! We got it! Well done! We will be able to support a student for a whole year, their education, their food, and paying forward so that they can help their community! Thank you
FINISH WELL! Stories at Work:
We had a blast of more that 50 6th graders come and check out CHAOS... We had the privilege of learning about how Saul was transformed into Paul. That Jesus met Paul right where he was at and transformed him, and Jesus does the same to us!
Current Series: "Better Call Paul" - Who was Paul in the Bible? Why did he write so many letters. What does he say about why we need Jesus!
Last CHAOS Night: May 10th - the last CHAOS - Celebrate by wearing Neon or white for our last event for the school year