A Special Week - ✝️
Wow, time is going so fast! We can’t believe we only have 6 more CHAOS until the end of the year (not school year) . We have loved all the time we have gotten to spend time with the students. This is Holy Week before Easter and we wanted to do a SURPRISE night for the students.
We are doing a prayer night tomorrow, but with a twist. We will be Surprising students with a banquet. Menu: Mac n Cheese with some chicken nuggets and ice cream. We will be having two leaders share their testimonies and have the night where students practice praying for each other. Our theme is Agape Love which is a sacrificial love that unites and heals. It is the love of God that we see through the cross of Jesus Christ. This love saves and restores humanity in the face of sin and death. John 3:16.
Since tomorrow is a special night, we are being sneaky and having students enter Naz on the side door by the gym. It will be the doors to the right of the normal entry. Students will go and hang out down stairs before they get the surprise for the night.
We are excited for tomorrow, and want to invite you to be a part of it in two different ways. 1. Pray, pray for the students who are coming in and that seeds are planted and the Holy Spirit continues to work in their hearts. 2. You can sign up to help serve tomorrow. Attached is a doc with different areas to help with descriptions and times to arrive.
CHAOS Banquet Night Sign UpPlease let me know if you have any questions.
Up Coming Dates Maundy Thursday Service //
Thursday, April 6, 7 pm //
@ Orchard Hill Church. A College and Young Adult lead service that walks us through the Last Supper, Jesus washing the feet, and College students sharing their stories.
Good Friday Service //
Friday, April 7, 7pm & 9 pm //
@ Naz. 14 High School students share their stories along with a high school lead Good Friday service that walks through Jesus being accused, hung on a cross and dying for us. Two services available.
Easter Service @ Orchard Hill Church //
Sat, 7pm //
Sun. 9 & 10:30 am // Join Orchard Hill for their Easter Services this Sunday. Bring friends, bring neighbors.
Easter Service @ Naz Lutheran Church //
Sun 8:30 & 10:00 am Traditional Service /
11:30 am Contemporary Service. Join at Naz for any of their Easter services. Bring friends, bring neighbors.