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High School

BIGhouse (Cedar Falls & Waverly) & Friends First (Grundy County) are our Wednesday night ministries for high school students!!

Cedar Falls: Meets Wednesdays from 7:00 - 9:00 PM || More Info
Grundy County: Meets Wednesdays from 7:15 - 8:45 PM || More Info
Waverly: Meets Wednesdays from 7:00 - 8:30 PM || More Info

Opportunities to serve include:

  • Small Group Leader (6-10 students)
  • Popping Popcorn (CF Only)
  • Bringing treats (GC Only),
  • Bringing a meal (Waverly Only),
  • Production (Audio/Slides),
  • Participating in Large Events (GC Only)

Fill out the form below at the High School Staff will reach out to you soon!

Opportunity Details:

Preference Area: Student Ministries
Available at: Cedar Falls Campus , Waverly Campus , Grundy County Campus

Connect with this Serving Opportunity

To connect with this team or find out more information about serving with this team, please complete the form below. This request will be directed to the Campus point person and they will follow up with you.